2021 CMSC Annual Meeting

Poster-Internet and Information Services

Poster-Internet and Information Services

Passive Monitoring of Cognition Using a Smartphone Application in MS

Background: Cognitive impairment is one of the most common and debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Traditional...

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Poster-Internet and Information Services

Using a University Canvas Learning Management System to Increase Knowledge about MS: The Multiple Sclerosis Student Advocates Program As an Educational Intervention

Background: About 1 million adults live with MS in the US (National Multiple Sclerosis Society NMSS, 2019), an autoimmune disease with no...

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Poster-Internet and Information Services

Use of an Infographic for Individualized Patient Discharge Instruction in the Spinal Cord Injured and Disorders Population

Background: Nurses are responsible for providing patients with discharge instructions. Often, limited instruction is provided to the...

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Poster-Internet and Information Services

MS and COVID-19: A Webinar Series for Healthcare Providers

Background: MS is a complex disease that requires a well- educated workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic added to that complexity- from the lack...

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