Religiosity and Mental Health in Multiple Sclerosis
Background: People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) often face the dysfunctions that accompany the disease, experiences that can lead to...
Profiles of Resilience Among MS Care Partners
Background: Psychological resilience may play an important role in protecting multiple sclerosis (MS) care-partners from the negative...
Baseline Cognitive Impairment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Enrolling in the US-Based Corrona MS Registry
Background: An estimated 85% of persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) present with relapsing-remitting (RRMS) disease. There are few large...
MS and COVID-19: A Webinar Series for Healthcare Providers
Background: MS is a complex disease that requires a well- educated workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic added to that complexity- from the lack...
Importance of Cervical Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Monitoring of Hispanic Puerto Rican Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Background: Some Health Insurances in Puerto Rico (PR) limit the number of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures that can be done in...
Population-Based Incidence and Clinico-Radiological Characteristics of Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis in Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA
Background: Tumefactive multiple sclerosis (TMS) is a rare variant of multiple sclerosis presenting with large inflammatory lesions that...