Regional MS Summit to Improve Access to High Quality MS Care
Background: In 2006, the Greater Northwest Healthcare Provider Council (HPC) of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) identified a...
Negative Dual Task Effects Can be Similar in People with Multiple Sclerosis and Controls, but Depend on Processing Time, Not Single Task Performance
Background: Activities of daily living demand simultaneous performance of two or more tasks. Dual task effect (DTE) is the relative change...
Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence of Healthcare Professionals Participating in the Echo MS Program
Background: ECHO MS is a videoconference-based education and case-consultation program that seeks to expand MS expertise. In Fall 2020, the...
Improving MS Care through Educational Outreach to Generalists
Background: People with multiple sclerosis (MS) need expert, comprehensive care. However, many people with MS receive care from generalist...
National MS Society Black MS Experience Summit, a Culturally Responsive Virtual Education Program for People Affected By MS
Background: Expanding resources to everyone affected by MS requires increased diversity and inclusion. The Black MS Community voiced the...
National MS Society Facebook Community Offers Connection and Virtual Education Options for People Affected By MS
Background: COVID-19 required the transition from in-person programming to virtual options. Understanding the importance of peer-to-peer...
Examining the Influence of Processing Speed on the Relation between Backward Walking and Falls in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
Background: Backward walking (BW) is a complex motor task that requires increased cognitive demands. In persons with multiple sclerosis...
The Multiple Sclerosis at Home Access Program (MAHA): New Challenges for Those Living with Multiple Sclerosis and Significant Disability during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: Abundant evidence supports disparity in health care delivery for persons with disability. These disparities may be magnified...