2021 CMSC Annual Meeting


Expiration: 30-Apr-22
Level of Information: Intermediate, Advanced
The Pediatric MS course will focus on several areas of priority for children living with MS and their families. We will start the symposium with new data from a study of parents of pediatric MS patients. Dr. O’Mahony will highlight her research that has identified new insights of the experience of parents, who themselves have health consequences that reflect their experience of caring for a child and teen with MS. Dr. Jennifer Graves will present her work demonstrating the complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors that influence MS risk, including potentially modifiable factors such as obesity and vitamin D. Dr. Banwell will close the session with recent data regarding myelin oligodendrocyte glycoproteinrelated demyelination, an important differential diagnosis, particularly in children. Participants will have opportunities for question and answers with the faculty.


Presentations and Speakers

Introduction Brenda Banwell, MD
Impact of Pediatric MS on the Family Julia O’Mahony, BSc
The Complex Interplay between Genetics and Environmental Risk Factors in Pediatric MS Jennifer Graves, MD, PhD, MAS
MOG-related Demyelination- What We Know, What We Don’t and What We Need to Learn Brenda Banwell, MD

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